Nov 12, 2010

Social Browsers

We use browsers to read news, surf for images, watch videos, and chat with friends. But the browser is changing.

Firefox has its add ons (Echofon, Hootsuite, Fireshot) which do all sorts of funky things. But there’s a brand new breed of browsers – the social browser. They’re purported to be built entirely around social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds.

Take RockMelt for instance.  This social browser, according the folks at Engadget:


…the left edge integrates your Facebook friends so you can chat, send messages or check out status updates no matter what site you're visiting. (Oddly, there doesn't seem to be a way to poke from the interface! Blasphemy!)


The right column is meant for Twitter and RSS feeds -- both are updated in the background and use "push notifications" to let you know how many unread messages or posts you've got piling up.


You can update your statuses from both rails as well as share the site you are reading by just hitting the large share button to the left of the search bar.

Checking the Google results for social browsers shows that RockMelt’s just the tip of the internet-berg. There’s Flock, Cruz, and Fizzik. While they’re mostly in the beta stages, these browsers might just be it for our social generation.

Would you use them?

I’ll leave y’all with promo videos from the companies.

Interview with RockMelt founders

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