Nov 16, 2010

Eric Khoo: His First Times...

Eric Khoo’s films disturb, celebrate the anti-hero, and showcase Singapore’s underbelly. That’s a breath of fetid air away from the usual glass-and-steel skyscrapers and manicured leisure parks. 

Wikipedia says:

eric khoo - Zhaowei Eric Khoo: His First Times...“Khoo often features a complex anti-hero as the protagonist of his films: the lonely old man who commits suicide on his birthday in Symphony 92.4, the pork-seller in Carcass who takes comfort in television dramas and regular sex with a prostitute, the outcast necrophilic hawker in Mee Pok Man, the model citizen who breaks down in 12 Storeys - all dysfunctional individuals struggling to cope in a rigid and yet fast-paced society administered by harsh norms…”

What it doesn’t tell us is that Khoo has a wickedly sharp sense of humour.

I’ve interviewed him for his First Times in Singapore for CNNGo, and I loved his answers! In fact, it’s a shame if I didn’t share the rest of it.

So here they are.

The First Time when Eric Khoo…

…Ate something weird

A snail in my garden.

…Heard something that made me cry

The music score from Somewhere in Time at Jade cinema on Beach Road

…Someone said to me: “I love you.”

A girl classmate told me that. She had sneaked into the kindergarten toilet.

…found beauty in Singapore’s underbelly

Mitre Hotel along Killiney Road was a completely dilapidated horror house with large rats, oil riggers, whores and beer anytime -- even after 3am. [Check out Übersee’s pictures of Mitre Hotel]

…made magic

While shooting My Magic at Orchard Towers.

My Magic still from Eric Khoo: His First Times...
Movie still from My Magic

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