Mar 26, 2010

Exercise and me

Full-time work isn’t conducive to a healthy body. It’s just hard taking time off to exercise especially when I’m working almost all the time. Also it was a toss up between alcohol or exercise, and I’d choose the former. After all, a whiskey [bottle] a day, makes life simple and gay (the older meaning; not man-on-man action).

Full-time work isn’t conducive to a healthy body. It’s just hard taking time off to exercise especially when I’m working almost all the time. Also it was a toss up between alcohol or exercise, and I’d choose the former. After all, a whiskey [bottle] a day, makes life simple and gay. Full-time work isn’t conducive to a healthy body. It’s just hard taking time off to exercise especially when I’m working almost all the time. Also it was a toss up between alcohol or exercise, and I’d choose the former. After all, a whiskey [bottle] a day, makes life simple and gay.

Excuses, excuses.

A year++ of living like that takes a toll on my body and general fitness. I wheeze up stairs, groan when power-lifting my netbook, and doing it doggy-style ain’t that fun when my gut’s in the way.

Obviously the cons of not exercising outweigh my laziness, whether I’ve got full-time work or not. That’s why I’m going on an exercise routine to get it all back…again.

My Exercise Goals:

  1. Increase aerobic capacity

    Feeling breathless at the top of a staircase climb is just sad. On a more serious note, it helps me last longer in all sports (inc. horizontal dancing).

  2. Increase strength 

    To push people around in basketball and Muay Thai (I’m taking a break to condition myself now), and reduce injury-proneness.

  3. Develop musculature

    Because I’m vain.

To keep myself on track, I’ll blog about my exercise routines and throw in a couple of exercise ideas from time to time.  Although I won’t know who’ll be interested in reading it. :P

On a side note, check out Mirza Malik’s (Men’s Health) suggestion to tweet training updates on Facebook. His reasoning behind it is quite simple: “to beat my own laziness.” So if you’re thinking of embarking on an exercise plan, get cracking & blog/tweet/facebook it!


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