May 18, 2011

Week 16: New Routine Again.

Switched up my routines again. Dropped Isometrics, instead I’m focusing on single limb workouts, emphasizing body weight progression. So I’m doing stuff like 1-arm push ups and single-leg squats.

To give myself a bit more rest, I’m splitting up my routines. Morning for runs and biking with some weight work. Afternoons for core and weight routines. It seems to be working as I’m less wiped out each time, although I’m wondering how I can up my weight poundage.


Front Day: Spilt routine.
Morning: Biked, Stair walked, 1-arm Push Ups
Afternoon: Core, Squats, Presses, Push Ups

Back Day: Done. No spilt routine.

Runs: Light cycling; very little running.


Dates: 19-20 May

  • +1 1-Arm Push Ups (3 Steps; 6 X)
  • +1 Single-Leg Squats (8 X)
  • +1 Stair Walking (3 X) 

Training Routines

Dates: 16-17 May


3 Sets
  1. Planks: front, side & back (30 sec)
  2. 10 X Side to side
  3. 10 X lower abs
  4. Stretches

Front Day

Exercises (3 Sets)
Weight: 22.5 kg/side
  1. 10 X Shoulder Presses
  2. 10 X Front Squats
Weight: 22.5 kg
  1. 2 X Stair Walking
  2. 7 X Single-Leg Squats
    1. 25 X Inclined Push Ups
    2. 5 X 1-arm Push Ups (3 Steps)
    3. 15 X Lateral Raises (5 kg/arm)

    Back Day

    Exercises (3 Sets)

    Weight: 22.5 kg/side
    1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
    2. 12 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep

    Weight: 22.5 kg

    1. 10 X Bent Over Rows
    2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts
    3. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch  
    Unweighted (4 sets)
    1. 7 X Pull Ups
    2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
    3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
    4. 5 X 1-arm Push Ups (3 Steps)


      1. 5kg run (1.25 km)
        Timing: ??:??; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 10:00 min (doing pull ups)
      2. Cycle: 1/2 hour
        Timing: 120:00; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec


      1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
      2. Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
      3. Single-leg Isometric Squats
      4. Isometric Squats
      5. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
      6. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

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