May 28, 2011

Week 17 & 17.5: Slack Slack Slack

Slack slack slack.


Front Day: Done

Back Day: Done.

Cycle: Nope. Rain!


Dates: 30-31 May


Training Routines

Dates: 26-27 May


3 Sets
  1. Planks: front, side & back (30 sec)
  2. 10 X Side to side
  3. 10 X lower abs
  4. Stretches

Front Day

Exercises (3 Sets)
Weight: 22.5 kg/side
  1. 10 X Arnold Presses
  2. 10 X Front Squats
Weight: 22.5 kg
  1. 3 X Stair Walking
  2. 9 X Single-Leg Squats
    1. 26 X Inclined Push Ups
    2. 7 X 1-arm Push Ups (3 Steps)
    3. 15 X Lateral Raises (5 kg/arm)

    Back Day

    Exercises (3 Sets)

    Weight: 22.5 kg/side
    1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
    2. 12 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep

    Weight: 22.5 kg

    1. 10 X Bent Over Rows
    2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts
    3. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch  
    Unweighted (4 sets)
    1. 8 X Pull Ups
    2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
    3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
    4. 7 X 1-arm Push Ups (3 Steps)


      1. Run (1.25 km)
        Timing: 14:00; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 10:00 min (doing pull ups)
      2. Cycle: 23km
        Timing: 64:00; Speed: 21.5 km/h


      1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
      2. Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
      3. Single-leg Isometric Squats
      4. Isometric Squats
      5. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
      6. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

      May 22, 2011

      My First Attempt at Making Bread

      Kinda Fail…

      I just took a bunch of ingredients and squashed them all together. I figured that I’d screw up the first time anyways. But at least I’d have used the convection oven more than once. The resulting mess (see below) is really crunchy on the outside and doughy on the inside – like an overcooked savoury biscuit.



      • 2 sift-full of bread flour
      • 1 sift-full of wholemeal flour
      • 2 tablespoons of cane sugar
      • 1 tablespoon of salt
      • 1 tablespoon of yeast
      • 1 cup of water


      1. Mix all. Leave it for 30 minutes.
      2. Knead a bit.
      3. Chuck into a greased baking pan (Note to self: Get a smaller pan)
      4. 30 minutes at 230 degrees.

      To Change

      1. Use a baking pan
      2. I think the mixing was off.
      3. Knead more!


      May 21, 2011

      Week 16.5: Content

      “Climb climb climb!”

      That was my mantra when I biked along Rifle Range Road – 3.5km in; 3.5km out. Up and down slopes. My thighs, hamstrings and groin burned at each revolution and each step.



      Front Day: Done. No spilt routine.

      Back Day: Done.
      Morning: Run, Pull Ups, Bent Over Rows
      Afternoon: Everything else

      Cycle: 23km


      Dates: 23-24 May

      No increase in weight poundage.

      • +1 to Pull Ups
      • +1 to all Push Ups
      • +1 to Single-Leg Squats

      Training Routines

      Dates: 19-21 May


      3 Sets
      1. Planks: front, side & back (30 sec)
      2. 10 X Side to side
      3. 10 X lower abs
      4. Stretches

      Front Day

      Exercises (3 Sets)
      Weight: 22.5 kg/side
      1. 10 X Arnold Presses
      2. 10 X Front Squats
      Weight: 22.5 kg
      1. 3 X Stair Walking
      2. 8 X Single-Leg Squats
        1. 25 X Inclined Push Ups
        2. 6 X 1-arm Push Ups (3 Steps)
        3. 15 X Lateral Raises (5 kg/arm)

        Back Day

        Exercises (3 Sets)

        Weight: 22.5 kg/side
        1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
        2. 12 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep

        Weight: 22.5 kg

        1. 10 X Bent Over Rows
        2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts
        3. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch  
        Unweighted (4 sets)
        1. 7 X Pull Ups
        2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
        3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
        4. 6 X 1-arm Push Ups (3 Steps)


          1. Run (1.25 km)
            Timing: 14:00; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 10:00 min (doing pull ups)
          2. Cycle: 23km
            Timing: 64:00; Speed: 21.5 km/h


          1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
          2. Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
          3. Single-leg Isometric Squats
          4. Isometric Squats
          5. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
          6. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

          May 18, 2011

          Week 16: New Routine Again.

          Switched up my routines again. Dropped Isometrics, instead I’m focusing on single limb workouts, emphasizing body weight progression. So I’m doing stuff like 1-arm push ups and single-leg squats.

          To give myself a bit more rest, I’m splitting up my routines. Morning for runs and biking with some weight work. Afternoons for core and weight routines. It seems to be working as I’m less wiped out each time, although I’m wondering how I can up my weight poundage.


          Front Day: Spilt routine.
          Morning: Biked, Stair walked, 1-arm Push Ups
          Afternoon: Core, Squats, Presses, Push Ups

          Back Day: Done. No spilt routine.

          Runs: Light cycling; very little running.


          Dates: 19-20 May

          • +1 1-Arm Push Ups (3 Steps; 6 X)
          • +1 Single-Leg Squats (8 X)
          • +1 Stair Walking (3 X) 

          Training Routines

          Dates: 16-17 May


          3 Sets
          1. Planks: front, side & back (30 sec)
          2. 10 X Side to side
          3. 10 X lower abs
          4. Stretches

          Front Day

          Exercises (3 Sets)
          Weight: 22.5 kg/side
          1. 10 X Shoulder Presses
          2. 10 X Front Squats
          Weight: 22.5 kg
          1. 2 X Stair Walking
          2. 7 X Single-Leg Squats
            1. 25 X Inclined Push Ups
            2. 5 X 1-arm Push Ups (3 Steps)
            3. 15 X Lateral Raises (5 kg/arm)

            Back Day

            Exercises (3 Sets)

            Weight: 22.5 kg/side
            1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
            2. 12 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep

            Weight: 22.5 kg

            1. 10 X Bent Over Rows
            2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts
            3. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch  
            Unweighted (4 sets)
            1. 7 X Pull Ups
            2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
            3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
            4. 5 X 1-arm Push Ups (3 Steps)


              1. 5kg run (1.25 km)
                Timing: ??:??; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 10:00 min (doing pull ups)
              2. Cycle: 1/2 hour
                Timing: 120:00; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec


              1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
              2. Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
              3. Single-leg Isometric Squats
              4. Isometric Squats
              5. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
              6. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

              May 16, 2011

              Week 15.5: Arrgghhh, How Binged Can I Get?

              Broke my No Booze vow when I went to drink with Brad. Ended up with a hangover for two days. Serves me right.

              I’m plateauing. I’m struggling with my weights (22.5 kg/side) now. A big part of it lies in working my core, or lack of. Just 6 minutes of holding it still, and I can’t even do that.

              Wah lau.

              Think I’ll rejig and spilt up my routines.


              Legs Day: Done. Stopped 30 sec Isometric Squats

              Top Day: Done. Not strong with the Shoulder Presses.

              Runs: Nope.

              Worked on side abs.


              Dates: 16-17 May

              • Do core before exercises.
              • Include Planks!
              • Add 1/2 hour Cycling in the morning.

              Training Routines

              Dates: 12-14 May


              3 Sets
              1. Planks: front, side & back (30 sec)
              2. 10 X Side to side
              3. 10 X lower abs
              4. Stretches

              Legs Day

              Exercises (3 Sets)
              Weight: 22.5 kg/side
              1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
              2. 10 X Squats
              3. 2 X Stair Walking
              Weight: 22.5 kg
              1. 7 X Single-Leg Squats
              2. 10 X Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
              3. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch 
                1. 20 sec Single-Leg Isometric Squats
                2. 25 X Inclined Push Ups
                If Possible
                1. 7 X Pull Ups

                Top Day

                Exercises (3 Sets)

                Weight: 22.5 kg/side
                1. 10 X Arnold Presses
                2. 12 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep

                Weight: 22.5 kg

                1. 10 X Bent Over Rows
                Unweighted (4 sets)
                1. 7 X Pull Ups
                2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
                3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
                4. 27 X Standard; 25 X Inclined Push Ups
                5. 20 X Lateral Raises


                  1. 5kg run (1.25 km)
                    Timing: ??:??; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 10:00 min (doing pull ups)
                  2. 1.25 km (NA)
                    Timing: ??:??; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec
                  3. Cycle: 46km (68 km)
                    Timing: 120:00; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec


                  1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
                  2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts  (18.5kg)
                  3. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
                  4. 10 X Back Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep
                  5. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

                  May 11, 2011

                  Week 15: A Quickie

                  I’ve decided to quit booze for May.

                  It was an exercise in willpower. After all, like any other muscle, willpower needs to be trained. This is just one way of doing it.

                  Didn’t manage to run very much. My ankle still ached from last Saturday’s cycling session. However, I’m lifting 22.5 kg/arm now. That’s got to count for something.

                  I believe that I’ve to change up my diet soon. It’s not doing me any good to keep scarfing non-quality food at funny timings.

                  No Booze: 2/22 (from 9 May)


                  Front Day: Done.

                  Back Day: Done

                  Runs: Nope.


                  Dates: 12-14 May

                  • Do core before exercises.

                  Training Routines

                  Dates: 9-10 May


                  3 Sets

                  1. Planks: side & back (40 sec)
                  2. Plank: front on chair (30 sec)
                  3. 10 X Side to side
                  4. 10 X lower abs
                  5. Stretches

                  Front Day

                  Exercises (3 Sets)
                  Weight: 22.5 kg/side

                  1. 10 X Arnold Presses
                  2. 10 X Squats
                  3. 2 X Stair Walking

                  Weight: 22.5 kg

                  1. 30 sec Isometric Squats


                  1. 27 X Standard; 25 X Inclined Push Ups
                  2. 20 sec Single-Leg Isometric Squats
                  3. 7 X Single-Leg Squats
                  4. 20 X Lateral Raises

                  If Possible

                  1. 7 X Pull Ups

                  Back Day

                  Exercises (3 Sets)
                  Weight: 22.5 kg/side
                  1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
                  2. 12 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep

                  Weight: 22.5 kg

                  1. 30 sec Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
                  2. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch
                  3. 10 X Bent Over Rows
                  Unweighted (4 sets)
                  1. 7 X Pull Ups
                  2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
                  3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
                  4. 25 X Inclined Push Ups


                  1. 5kg run (1.25 km)
                    Timing: 09:40; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 10:00 min (doing pull ups)
                  2. 1.25 km
                    Timing: 12:52; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec
                  3. Cycle: 68 km (Sat)
                    Timing: ??:??; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec 


                  1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
                  2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts  (18.5kg)
                  3. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
                  4. 10 X Back Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep
                  5. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

                  May 7, 2011

                  Week 14.5: Singapore Chooses!

                  We’re off to the polling station today!
                  I’m looking forward to election report at night. It’s like watching a bitch fight. It just sucks us in.
                  It’s fine entertainment. But after all the hoopla, things might not change all that much. All we need to do is to make mo’ money so we can 桥脚 and 不做事 (the Hokkien version is much more expressive).
                  In other news, I’m feeling more winded than normal. Perhaps I’m overtraining?


                  Legs Day: Done.
                  Top Day: Done. Feeling winded at the last Pull Up set.
                  Runs: Not too good. Didn’t complete half of it. Also, didn’t cycle from ECP to Changi Village. Did only 46km of the entire route. Cyclometer ran out of battery but estimated that I did the journey in 2 hours.


                  Dates: 9-10 May
                  • +1 Single-Leg Squats (7 X Single-Leg Squats)
                  • +1.5 kg to all weights
                  • +1 hour to cycling 
                  • Do core before exercises.

                  Training Routines

                  Dates: 5-7 May


                  3 Sets
                  1. Planks: side & back (40 sec)
                  2. Plank: front on chair (30 sec)
                  3. 10 X Side to side
                  4. 10 X lower abs
                  5. Stretches

                  Legs Day

                  Exercises (3 Sets)
                  Weight: 21 kg/side
                  1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
                  2. 10 X Squats
                  Weight: 21 kg
                  1. 30 sec Isometric Squats
                  2. 20 sec Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
                  3. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch 
                    1. 20 sec Single-Leg Isometric Squats
                    2. 6 X Single-Leg Squats
                    3. 24 X Inclined Push Ups
                    If Possible
                    1. 7 X Pull Ups

                    Top Day

                    Exercises (3 Sets)

                    Weight: 21kg/side
                    1. 10 X Arnold Presses
                    2. 12 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep
                    3. 2 X Stair Walking
                    Unweighted (4 sets)
                    1. 7 X Pull Ups
                    2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
                    3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
                    4. 27 X Standard; 25 X Inclined Push Ups
                    5. 20 X Lateral Raises


                      1. 5kg run (1.25 km)
                        Timing: ??:??; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 10:00 min (doing pull ups)
                      2. 1.25 km (NA)
                        Timing: ??:??; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec
                      3. Cycle: 46km (68 km)
                        Timing: 120:00; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec


                      1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
                      2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts  (18.5kg)
                      3. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
                      4. 10 X Back Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep
                      5. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

                      May 4, 2011

                      Week 14: Politics & Exercise

                      Singapore votes this Saturday on who gets to be a Member of Parliament.

                      It’s been an exciting election with the ruling party smearing their opponents, and the opposition calling them out on accountability for screw-ups.

                      Through it all, everyone promises better living and life for Singaporeans. The usual better wages, lower prices, upgrading now, more space… what beautiful noise!

                      I think it’s fuck all. Even if they deliver on their promises, it will be too little and too late. Only you can make a difference in your life. It’s a bloody cliche, I know. But it’s a lot like exercising. You can talk, read and watch all about exercises; but if you don’t do it, it won’t help you at all.

                      So let these politicians entertain and rah-rah us for the week, but always remember – get off your ass and work it into shape. You are responsible for it, and no one else.

                      PS: I know there’s no week 13.5. I was trying out different combinations and didn’t jot them down for the week.


                      Front Day: Done.

                      Back Day: Done. Dropped 10 sec off single leg deadlifts.

                      Runs: Not as great on the 5kg run or 1.25km run.

                      Core: I’ve to do them before the exercises. Otherwise I’ll just ignore them.


                      Dates: 5-6 May

                      • +1 on Push Ups (27 X Standard; 25 X Inclined Push Ups)
                      • +1 Single-Leg Squats (6 X Single-Leg Squats)
                      • +2 Shrugs (12 X Shrugs)
                      • +1 Stair Walking (2 X Stair Walking)
                      • Do core before exercises.

                      Training Routines

                      Dates: 2-3 May

                      Front Day

                      Exercises (3 Sets)
                      Weight: 21 kg/side

                      1. 10 X Arnold Presses
                      2. 10 X Squats
                      3. 1 X Stair Walking

                      Weight: 21 kg

                      1. 30 sec Isometric Squats


                      1. 26 X Standard; 24 X Inclined Push Ups
                      2. 20 sec Single-Leg Isometric Squats
                      3. 5 X Single-Leg Squats
                      4. 20 X Lateral Raises

                      If Possible

                      1. 7 X Pull Ups

                      Back Day

                      Exercises (3 Sets)
                      Weight: 21kg/side
                      1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
                      2. 10 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep

                      Weight: 21 kg

                      1. 30 sec Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
                      2. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch 
                      Unweighted (4 sets)
                      1. 7 X Pull Ups
                      2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
                      3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
                      4. 24 X Inclined Push Ups


                      1. 5kg run (1.25 km)
                        Timing: 09:40; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 10:00 min (doing pull ups)
                      2. 1.25 km
                        Timing: 12:52; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec
                      3. Cycle: 68 km (Sat)
                        Timing: ??:??; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec


                      3 sets
                      1. Planks: side & back (40 sec)
                      2. Plank: front on chair (30 sec)
                      3. 10 X Side to side
                      4. 10 X lower abs
                      5. Stretches


                      1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
                      2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts  (18.5kg)
                      3. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
                      4. 10 X Back Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep
                      5. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

                      May 2, 2011

                      New Schedules & Workouts

                      I’ve bought a road bike recently and I’ve gotten back into biking across Singapore on Saturdays. It’s far easier on knees and my lungs feel it the next day.

                      So in light of this new conveyance, I’ve rescheduled my exercise routines around it. I’m not sure how it’ll work out for me, but I’m sure that I’ll be a whole lot fitter (at least my thighs will be).

                      PS: I know there’s no week 13.5. I was trying out different combinations and didn’t jot them down for the week.

                      My Schedule

                      1. Monday: Back + 5kg run
                      2. Tuesday: Front + 2.5km run
                      3. Wednesday: Get de-warted and rest; I’m in too much pain to do anything
                      4. Thursday: Legs (Deadlifts + Squats)
                      5. Friday: Upper body (Presses + Pulls) + 5kg run
                      6. Saturday: Cycling trip (68km)
                      7. Sunday: Rest

                      Training Routines

                      Front Day

                      Exercises (3 Sets)
                      Weight: 21 kg/side

                      1. 10 X Arnold Presses
                      2. 10 X Squats

                      Weight: 21 kg

                      1. 30 sec Isometric Squats


                      1. 3 X Inch-Worm
                      2. 26 X Standard; 24 X Inclined Push Ups
                      3. 20 sec Single-Leg Isometric Squats
                      4. 5 X Single-Leg Squats
                      5. 20 X Lateral Raises

                      If Possible

                      1. 7 X Pull Ups

                      Back Day

                      Exercises (3 Sets)
                      Weight: 21kg/side
                      1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
                      2. 10 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep

                      Weight: 21 kg

                      1. 30 sec Single-leg Isometric Deadlifts
                      2. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch 
                      Unweighted (4 sets)
                      1. 7 X Pull Ups
                      2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
                      3. Isometric holds (10 sec)
                      4. 24 X Inclined Push Ups


                      1. 5kg run (1.25 km)
                        Timing: ??:??; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec
                      2. 1.25 km
                        Timing: ??:??; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec
                      3. Cycle: 68 km (Sat)
                        Timing: ??:??; Speed: ?.? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec


                      3 sets
                      1. Planks: side & back (40 sec)
                      2. Plank: front on chair (30 sec)
                      3. 10 X Side to side
                      4. 10 X lower abs
                      5. Stretches


                      1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
                      2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts  (18.5kg)
                      3. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
                      4. 10 X Back Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep
                      5. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

                      May 1, 2011

                      Week 13:

                      A long overdue post and here’s why: I’m slacking away.

                      Working in an office didn’t quite allow me to do conduct my exercises effectively and it’s embarrassing as I said that it’s a matter of time management.

                      I still think so. But getting there isn’t easy.

                      So what to do?

                      Take it easy. And that’s what I did for all of April. Open-mouthed smile


                      Front Day: Completed.

                      Back Day:  Done.

                      Running Day:  Trialed.


                      Dates: 22-23 Apr

                      •   TBC

                      Training Routines

                      Dates: 19-20 Apr 

                      Front Day

                      Exercises (3 Sets)
                      Weight: 21 kg/side

                      1. 10 X Arnold Presses
                      2. 10 X Squats

                      Weight: 21 kg

                      1. 40 sec Isometric Squats


                      1. 20 sec Single-Leg Isometric squats
                      2. 26 X Standard; 24 X Inclined Push Ups
                      3. 7 X Pull Ups

                      Back Day

                      Exercises (3 Sets)
                      Weight: 21kg/side
                      1. 10 X Straight-leg Deadlifts
                      2. 10 X 2-armed Dumbell Snatch 
                      3. 10 X Shrugs + hold for 10 counts on last rep
                      Unweighted (4 sets)
                      1. 7 X Pull Ups
                      2. 10 X Single-arm Inverted Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep 
                      3. Isometric holds (15 sec)


                      1. 5kg walk (1.25 km)
                        Timing: ??:??; Total: 1.25 km; Speed: ??.?? km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec
                      2. 2.5 km (KIV)
                        Timing: 20:0; Total: 2.5 km; Speed: 7.5 km/h; Ave rest: 0 sec


                      3 sets
                      1. Planks: side & front & back (40 sec)
                      2. Stretches


                      1. 15 X Single Leg Calf Raises (+10 Double Leg Calf Raises)
                      2. 10 X Single-leg Deadlifts  (18.5kg)
                      3. 10 X Inclined Inverted Rows
                      4. 10 X Back Rows + hold for 10 counts on last rep
                      5. Slope Runs (2x 0.38 km)

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