May 30, 2010

Kim’s Family Restaurant: Ugh

I’ve heard a lot about Kim’s Family Restaurant from the media such as Real Deal for a Good Meal, and food bloggers. They’ve gushed over it, loved their bibimbap and whatever else.

I’m just not as sold upon this place as they are.

Kim’s Family Restaurant failed on two counts: one, rice was served cold (even after I’ve requested a change). Two, the bulgogi tasted stale, like it was left out before it was reheated again…and again.

Dinner Set

Perhaps it’s a dinner set thing. Perhaps there’s just not as much care going into it as the ala-carte items. As far as I’m concerned, it was money down the drain for that day.

The best part about this restaurant is the decor. Quirky, cute and scrawled upon ala Island Creamery. It might have been different if I went with more people. But really, I doubt it.

Kim's Family restaurant

Now…where can I find a Korean Restaurant that serves up a balanced dish of Yuk Hwe and keeps their rice hot?


Where: Kim’s Family Restaurant
17 Lorong Kilat #01-06
Singapore 598139
Tel: +65 6465 0535

Post-injury Exercises

Type: Rehab + Isometrics

I hate to get injured. It takes me out of my training rhythm and when I get back to exercising, I’ve lost all my gains.

Recently I’ve gotten a case of clicking and clacking in my right knee  as I climbed steps or slopes. Oddly enough, it wasn’t a trauma-type injury (e.g. when you get hit by someone else). It was simply wear and tear.

So I shut down for 3 weeks to give it rest.

That’s 3 weeks of binging on food and drink. Ugh… I’m looking a little whale-like.

But there’s good news: my knee’s a lot better now, and I’m back to light training. To get up to speed, I’m using a mixture of isometric and body-weight exercises (particularly core work).

Hopefully, I’ll get back to what I was in a couple of weeks’ time.


Exercises for the day

Set 1 (3 sets each):

  1. Planks (50sec; 40 sec; 30 sec; all 4 sides)
  2. Turn and twist (10X)
  3. Push ups (15X)
  4. Shadow boxing; see video below (10X mostly jabs & knees)
  5. Kettlebell raises (6X 12.5kg per arm)
  6. Isometric Squats (30 sec)
  7. Skipping (1 min)

Set 2 (3 sets each):

  1. Deadlifts (10X 12.5kg per side)
  2. Arnold Presses (10X 12.5kg per side)
  3. Push ups (10X Wide)
  4. Squats (10X 12.5kg; hold for 2 counts at lowest position)
  5. Bent over rows (10X 12.5kg per side)

May 28, 2010

There are Baos and there are 包s

Baos (包) are amongst Singapore’s most cherished street food.

They’re white, light, fluffy buns packed with meat , char siew, yam paste or whatever catches the maker’s fancy. It’s best with a side drink of kopi, teh or sarabat, or as part of a dim sum breakfast. In fact, our baos are the same as what you’d get in Hong Kong or Malaysia.

image The prototypical Char Siew Bao. Notice the soft and fluffy bun?(Photo from: Lydia Teh; My Kitchen)

But there are 包s (also pronounced: bao) that aren’t quite like the one in the above photo.

These 包s come direct from China with the influx of China immigrants and workers over the last few years. It was just a matter of time before they started making and selling food from home…much like how early Singaporeans did way back in Raffles’ time.

包s are pretty much the same as a bao. They’re all fillings within a bun. The difference lies in the dough, size, and taste: solid, huge, and singular.

Huge baos... There are Baos and there are 包s

These 包s are the size of a man’s hand and they’re enough for a meal (or two). But it’s the dough that fills you up. It’s hearty, heavy and stays forever in your stomach.

That’s one reason why a makan khaki (Zedy) wasn’t too enamoured with them.

For him, it’s overtly singular – it’s a meat bun with scarce else; quite unlike our big baos (according to his wife there are several places in Singapore that sell super-huge baos; please tweet me if you know where they are!) which contain a mix of chye poh, minced pork, hard-boiled eggs and the occasional lap cheong.

Nothing but vegetables - There are Baos and there are 包sThe meat 包 was already in my belly, all that was left is this veggie 包

Personally I thought it was a nice change of taste from our dainty, pretty dim sum.

Those 包s had a “Salt of the Earth” feel. It was direct, honest and promised a full meal of onion-flavoured minced pork in a hunger-busting bun. Best of all, each 包 costs a mere $1.50 -- simply perfect for cost-conscious yet gluttonous Singaporeans.

Close up of a vegetable bao - There are Baos and there are 包sClose up of a veggie 包

Where: They’re all sold at stalls just between People’s Park Complex and the Food Centre (Foursquare). Go before lunch and dinner times to avoid queuing up.

May 5, 2010

A Lawyer Joke

I’m not one for jokes. But this black (oh so dark) joke is something that’s close to my heart. Enjoy it and substitute whatever (gosh darn it) profession that you’ve in mind.

Thanks to Thomas Tam for forwarding the joke! :D


One afternoon a lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the road- side eating grass.  Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate. 

He asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?" 

"We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to eat grass." 

"Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you," the lawyer said. 

"But sir, I have a wife and two children with me.  They are over there, under that tree." 

"Bring them along," said the lawyer.

Turning to the other poor man he stated, "You come with us, also."  The second man, in a pitiful voice, then  said, "But sir, I also have a wife and six children with me!" 

"Bring them all, as well," the lawyer answered. 

They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine. 

Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and said, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."

The lawyer replied, "Glad to do it.  "You'll really love my place. "The grass is almost a foot high".

Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

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